目的:探讨左束支走行畸形与左束支阻滞的关系。方法:尸检心脏标本10例,8例患完全性左束支阻滞,2例患左前分支阻滞。采用 Lev 氏改良法,对心脏传导系统进行连续切片,每张厚度为5μm,每20张染色一张,染色方法为 HE、EVG、Masson。光镜下对切片进行观察。结果:在10例心脏标本中,发现4例左束支走行异常,表现在左束支或其分支走行于室间隔心肌隧道内。其病理改变包括束支纤维化、脂肪浸润、细咆浸润、空泡或嗜伊红变性、中度弹性组织变性等。结论:本组有4例心脏病理检查结果显示左束支走行畸形,该现象可能与左束支阻滞有关。
Objective:The correlation between malformation of left bundle branch(MLBB)and left bandle branch block(LBBB)were observed.Up to now,there are 2 types of mechanism may be involved about the nature of the lesions causing fibrosis of left bundle branch(LBB),that is mechanical strain and is- chemic effects on the LBB.However we proposed a phenomenon of MLBB,which might be another mecha- nism of LBBB or hemiblock?Mathods:Histological examination of 10 left bundle branch block,includ- ing 8 cases with complete left bundle branch block(LBBB)and 2 cases with left anterior fascialar block (LAFB)from subjects aged 49~85 years,was carried out in 10 autopsied hearts obtained.Vertical serial sections(5 micron)of left bundle branch(LBB)was prepared and every 20th section was stained alternate- ly with hematoxylin-eosin(HE),and Van Gieson(EVG)or Masson stain,and examined by light mi- croscopy.Results:We found 4/10 cases with malformation of left bundle branch,LBB or it's branch tunneled one's way through the ventricular septem.The pathologic changes of MLBB included fibrosis,fatty infiltration,cellular infiltration,vacuolar or eosinophilic degenration,moderate elastosis and so on.Con- clution:These results suggest that the MLBB and the phenomenon of myocardial tunnel may be one of the mechanisms relevant to LBBB or hemiblock.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias