If frictional drag is considered in the equation of gradient wind for a stationary typhoon with circularly symmetric distribution of pressure, the balanced equations for the forces can be expressed asSolving the above set of equations, velocity of gradient wind ν(k,c) and inner deflection angle β(k.c) can be obtained.ν(k.c) and β(k.c) represent the effects of frictional drag and moving velocity of typhoon respectively. Now, setting K = 0, we can find ν(0.c), and β(0.c) (here, β(0.c) = 0) ,and then define a frictional correction coefficient c as v(k.c)/v(0.c) (i.e. c = ν(k.c)°/ν(0.c)).In the case of Myers pressure expression, the computational results show.1. Both c and β are variables.The characteristics in their radial distributions are that c is about 0.6 at the edge of typhoon, and increases inward to nearly 1 in the vicinity of typhoon centre: β is about 35° at the edge and 2°-8° near the centre, it decreases inward;ν(k.c) reaches its minimum at the edge and the maximum appears at r = R0, it sharply decreases inward further.2. C and β are also related to the characteristic parameters △P, R0,,Yc and Vc. For instance, β decreasen and c increases when △P becomes larger. It is consistent with the case that typhoon develops and enhances the rota-tios of its flow.To sum up, the model proposed here is more reasonable than those with c and β as constants,in the simulation of wind field of real typhoon by using statistical data.