微红梢斑螟是为害马尾松的重要害虫之一,该虫在福建明溪1年发生3- 4代,以幼虫越冬,幼虫5龄,卵期3- 7天左右,幼虫期24- 35天,越冬代138- 169天,蛹期11- 18天。选用40% 氧化乐果、80% 敌敌畏、50%甲胺磷、4.5% 氯氢菊酯、20% 杀灭菊脂等农药的不同浓度,采用拉丁方设计对微红梢斑螟进行防治试验。结果表明所选用的农药中80% 敌敌畏500倍液、50% 甲胺磷500倍液、40% 氧化乐果500、1000、1500倍液,对3- 5龄幼虫的防治效果都在85% 以上。20% 杀灭菊酯、80% 敌敌畏和柴油以2v1v50或1v2v50的比例混合,防治效果均在90% 以上。
Dioryctria splendidlla Hampson develops 3-4 generations a year and overwinters with larvae in Mingxi county, Fujian Province of China. The egg, larva and pupa stage lasts 3-7 days, 24-35 days and 11-18 days respectively. The control effect is more than 85% by these pesticides of 500×80% DDVP, 500×50% methamidophos and 500×, 1000×and 1500×omethoate, respectively. The control effect of the pesticide mixed by 20% fenvalerate, 80% DDVP and diesel oil in proportion as 2∶1∶50 or 1∶2∶50 is more than 90% respectively.
Entomological Journal of East China