
鳢肠马唐竞争作用研究 被引量:1

Competitive Effect Between Eclipta Prostrata. L. and Digitania Sanguinalis (L) Scop
摘要 采用人工接草的方法 ,研究了鳢肠 (EcliptaprostrataL .)和马唐 (DigitaiaSan guinalisL .Scop .)的竞争作用。结果表明 :在数量上 ,当鳢肠、马唐的接草密度分别为 4 0株·m- 2 和 30 0 0茎蘖·m- 2 ,草龄为 64d ,马唐的密度达 2 0 0 0株·m- 2 时 ,鳢肠灭绝 ;而当鳢肠、马唐的接草密度分别为 1 40 0株·m- 2 、 8 4株·m- 2 、草龄为 5 4d ,鳢肠的密度达 1 2 0 0株·m- 2时 ,马唐灭绝。从单位面积生物量上看 :当鳢肠、马唐接草密度、草龄及马唐单位面积生物量分别为 1 0株·m- 2 、 2 1 0 0株·m- 2 、 72d和 70 95 7g·m- 2 时 ,鳢肠灭绝 ;而当它们的接草密度、草龄及鳢肠单位面积生物量分别为 1 40 0株·m- 2 、 1 0株·m- 2 、 72d和 1 2 65 3g·m- 2 时 ,马唐灭绝。并组建了马唐、鳢肠单位面积生物量、数量。 The competion between Eclipta prostrata L. and Digitaria sanguinalis (L) Scop. are studied in this paper by means of transplanting weeds. The results show that, on one hand, E. prostrata would become extinct, while D. sanguinalis would add up to 2000 weeds per metre square after they, being transplanted at the density of 4 0 and 300 0 weeds per metre square respectively, had grown for 64 days; on the other hand, D. sanguinalis would all die while E. prostrata would increase 120 0 weeds per meter square when they, being transplanted at the density of 140 0 and 8 4 weeds per metre square respectively, and raised for 54 days. From the point of fresh weight per metre square, E. prostrata would be extinct and D. Sanguinalic, grown for 72 days, would become 7 095 7 grams fresh weight per meter square when they transplanted at the density of 1 0 and 210 0 weeds per metre square, respectively, on the contrary, whey they are transplanted at 140 0 and 1 0 weeds per metre square and grown for 72 days, E. peostrata would grown at the rate of 1 265 3 grams fresh weight per metre square, but D. sanguinal would die out. Competition model of fresh weight of per unit area, quantity and fresh weight of per weed were set up.
出处 《南京农专学报》 2001年第3期35-38,共4页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural Technology College
基金 江苏省"九五"攻关"棉田草害控制技术"课题 (BG96 5 14- 3)内容之一
关键词 鳢肠 马唐 单位面积 生物量 密度 单株 茎蘖 竞争模型 数量 组建 eclipta prostrata digitaia sanguinalis competition model
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