笔者采用文献阅读、走访调查等方法 ,探讨了在网络文化影响的氛围中 ,体育院校德育教育必须加强对大学生抵御能力、批判能力的培养 ;必须积极主动地发挥控制和引导作用 ;必须提高德育教育者自身的综合素质和掌握现代教育技术的技能 ,变传统的“单向性的正面灌输”为“引导选择和灌输信息并重”的教育方式。其目的在于进一步拓展体育院校开展大学生德育教育工作的新思路。
This paper studies developing students' moral education though documents, visits and investigations and in the light of characteristics of students in institutes of P.E under the influence of network culture, moral educators in institute of P.E should reinforce the students' ability of resistance and criticism. They should actively play their roles in controlling and guiding their students. Furthermore, they should try to promote their overall quality and master skills of modern education. They should also change the traditional directional obverse inculcation into combination of guiding choice and inculcating information. The purpose is to expand new thoughts on developing moral education.
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University