

Benefits of Decreasing Runoff and Sediment and Trend Forecast of Runoff and Sediment Changes in Weihe Watershed
摘要 截止1990年底,渭河流域共有水库522座,塘坝2666座,引水灌溉面积45.0万ha,水平梯田、人工林、人工草有效保存面积分别为3893.0km^2、3407.9km^2和1085.7km^2,治理总面积8466.7km^2,治理度19.0%。流域近期规划水库达到590座,淤地坝可淤地面积2333.3ha,治沟骨干工程蓄水能力20061万m^3,引水灌溉面积70.78ha,治理总面积15921.3km^2,治理度36%。流域远景规划治理总面积40214km^2,治理度80.4%。采用水保法分别计算1970年至1990年,1990年至近期,近期至远景期各项水利水保措施减水减沙量及综合减水减沙效益。经推算现状:综合水保措施减水效益为28.71%,减沙效益为30.9%;近期:综合水保措施减水效益为32.0%~60.5%,减沙效益35.3%~84.0%;远景:综合水保措施减水效益为32.5%~40.7%,减沙效益为60.0%~87.0%。在近期和远景期分别遇丰、平、枯不同降水年份,渭河流域水沙趋势将发生显著变化。 By the end of 1990, there were 522 reservoirs, 2666 small reserviors, 450 thousand ha irrigation area bypumping, 3893. 0 km^2 level terraced fields, 3407. 9 km^2 artificial forest and 1085. 7 km^2 artificial grassland in Weihewatershed. The total area harnessed has reached 8466. 7 km^2, and the harnessed degree has reached 19. 0%. Therewill be 590 reservoirs to be constructed, 2333. 3 ha siltilizing soil with silt arrester, 2006. 10 millon m^3 water stor-age capacity for control of the key watershed, 70. 78 ha irrigation area by pumping. 15921. 3 km^2 the total har-nessed area and 36% harnessed degree in the short-term plan. The total harnessed area will reach 40214km^2 andthe harnessed degree will reach 80. 4% in the long-term plan. The 'Iaws of Soil and Water Conservation' is usedto calculate decreasing the amount of runoff and sediment and its comprehensive benefits for every measures of wa-ter conservancy and water conservation. The results show that the comprehensive benefits for decreasing runoffrate is 28. 71% and for decreasing sediment rate is 30. 9% at present. The benefits will be 32. 0%~60. 5% and 35. 3 %~84. 0 %, 32. 5 %~40. 7 % and 60. 0 %~87. 0 % in the short-term plan and long-term programm respec-tively. Tremendous changes of the trend of runoff and sediment will take place in Weihe watershed in differentyears (i. e, abundant rainfall year, average rainfall year and exhausted rainfall year).
作者 柳荣先
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期17-22,共6页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 渭河流域 减水减沙 效益 水沙变化 Weihe watershed the benefits of decreasing runoff and sediment the changes of runoff and sediment trend forecast.
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