人是哲学的主题。哲学从其内在的本性而言, 是对人的本性把握的理论表达。对人的本性的全面性与历史性理解, 必然会得出人是境界性存在的结论。哲学作为“形而上”的理论反思方式, 必然要构建表达人的本性的哲学境界。哲学境界体现着人对理想的追求, 对价值的确认, 对意义的构建。哲学境界的精神旨趣既体现为人对外在世界的否定性超越, 又体现为人向人的世界的历史生成, 印证着人对人的精神层级与品位的不懈追求。哲学境界的精神旨趣表明人对自身存在性质、生活价值与人的更高境界的追求的理解程度, 是对人所生活与创造的意义世界的不断开掘, 是对人的内在生活底蕴的不断丰富。哲学境界及其精神旨趣贴切地表现了人的本性的超越性、理想性、批判性的追求, 进而充分地体现出哲学的自身特性与魅力。因此, 哲学境界及其精神旨趣在当代的历史条件下承载着重大的使命, 彰显出哲学的永恒感召力。
Man is the topic of philosophy. And philosophy, in its essence, expresses theoretically the nature of man. A comprehensive and historical understanding on human nature would necessarily result in the conclusion that man is a being with spiritual realm. As metaphysical reflection, philosophy would necessarily construct a philosophical realm expressing man’s nature, and his ideal pursuit, value establishment, and meaning construction. The spiritual intention of philosophical realm implies both the negative transcendence of external world and the historical construction of human world. Therefore it implies the relentless pursuit of a spiritual personality. The spiritual intention of philosophical realm indicates the degree to which man understands his own existential nature, life value, and the pursuit of a higher spiritual realm, to which man discovers and enriches the meaning of his own life world constantly. Philosophical realm and its spiritual intention indicate properly the transcendental, ideal, and critical nature of man, thus show completely the character and attractiveness of philosophy. So philosophical realm and its spiritual intention have an urgent duty to carry out the significance of philosophy in contemporary historical conditions.
Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition
国家社会科学基金项目 (04ZBX007)
human nature
philosophical realm
spiritual intention
duty of philosophy