目的评价过去15个月期间开展急诊经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)AMI的临床疗效。方法 58例AMI患者在发病的12小时内行急诊PCI,随访60天。结果急性心肌梗死患者58例,男46例,女12例,年龄39~86岁,平均年龄60.96±10.91岁。冠脉造影显示:IRA为前降支20例,回旋支15例,右冠脉23例。56例患者(96.55)介入治疗获得成功,56例置入支架,全部获得TIM 13级血流,术中发生低血压7例,室早6例,加速性室性自主心律2例,显著窦性心动过缓8例,Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞2例,均分别给予利多卡因、多巴胺和阿托品治疗后恢复正常,术后LVEF平均为57.98±6.83。抬高的ST段恢复到基线50例,抬高的ST段下移≥50% 8例。随访期间无胸痛、无再梗塞及未出现心血管事件。结论急诊PCI治疗AMI可有效地使梗死相关冠状动脉再通并恢复正常血流,成功率高,住院病死率低,近期预后良好。
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Clinical underwent emergeney percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute my- ocardial infarction during the last 15months. Methods 58 patients with acute myocardial infarction were treated by emergency PCI within 12 hour from onset and were followed up for two months. Results Of the patients, there were 46 males and 12 females, aged from 39 to 86 years old. Infarct related arteries were LAD in 20.LCX in 15 and RCA in 23 patients procedure was successed in 56 paliedts (96.55%).56 patients received stent implantation. All of them. gained T1M1 3 grade perfusion flow. Hypotension was found in 7 patiedts, Premature ventricular beats was found in 6 patients, Accelerated idioventricular rhythm was found in 2 patients, Severe sinus bradycardia was found in 8 patients, Ⅲ Atrioven- tricular block was found in 2 patients and were returned by Lidocaime, Dopamine and Artopine respectively durimg operation. LVEF average 57.89 ± 6.83.Elevation of ST segment returned to baseline 50 patients. ST segment fell≥50%6 patients after the procedures. No chest pain, No reinfaretion and further cardiac events occurred at follow up. Cundusion Emergency PCI could provide higher successful rate of reperfusion with low hospital mortality and good short term prognosis.
Bulletin of Medical Research