氢原子单离化是原子物理中最简单的三体相互作用问题,但是由于长程的库仑作用的影响,带电粒子与原子碰撞的单离化过程仍有许多难以克服和未能解决的困难.利用跃迁矩阵元的后滞形式,同时,取末态波函数为库仑波函数和平面波函数的乘积,在初态里 ,波函数被分成两部分,一部分是库仑波和氢原子基态的乘积,另一部分是两电子的相对运动的库仑波和质心运动的平面波.对于快电子仍然取为平面波,如果在忽略了质心运动和两电子相对库仑波的指数因子的情况下,所得出的理论计算结果与一些实验在数值上符合得较好.
The ionization of hydrogen atom by electron impact is one of the simplest reactions. Though it is the simplest three-body case in atom physics, with the effect of long-range Coulomb interaction the single ionization of atom by charges impact has still insuperable and unsolved difficult. Two potential formulas are employed. With final state wave function being the product of one Coulomb wave and one plane wave, and in initial channel, the exact wave function can be divided into two parts. One part is a product of Coulomb wave and ground state; Another is the relative Coulomb wave of two electrons and mass center motion plane wave. If the fast electron is still treated as plane wave and ignored motion of mass center and exponent factor of relative Coulomb wave of two electrons. The results calculated are agreement with some experiments.
Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition