Establishment of seed orchards is an important step in genetical improvement offorest trees. In order to see rapid development in the genetical improvement of froest tree tohave high efficiency at low cost, the author presents his new ideas demonstrated in field ex-periments. 1. In the F1 seed orchards off--type seed trees must be rouged. Its actual bene-fit is higher than that of seed orchards without off--types rogued. This can prevent the seedorchards of in--ferior quality to provide poor quality seeds for nursery orafforestation. 2.The productivity of F1 seed orchards may not be superior to that of excellent provenances.In researches on progeny test and the gains of bulk seed of seed orchards, importance shouldbe attached to the provenance of the control seed. 3. In establishing the F1 seed orchards, ithad better be a seeding orchard. 4. Early selection should be an indispensable link in thegenetical tests of forest trees, which can accelerate the progress of generations of varieties inbreeding. 5. Population forming is a foundation of varietal breeding for its development.The genetical progress in a breeding population has been applied to seed orchard throughreselection. Also, clonal breeding may be directly applied to a seed orchard. The recurrentdevelopment of a breeding population is 'multi--generation' breeding, being the critical linkin the continual advances of forest tree breeding. In a word, learning from examples orlearning the new views of a science is helpful to scientific researches, and can step up a in--depth development of forest tree improvement.
World Forestry Research