结合电力系统谐波危害及防治措施 ,阐述了城市轨道交通牵引供电系统整流机组对电网的影响 ,并对其危害进行了理论数据分析 ,在此基础上提出了解决的方法及措施。城市轨道交通牵引变电所应采用 2 4脉波整流机组。谐波电流应以计算值为参考、以实测值为基准的原则采取防治措施。
With an analysis of the harmonics damage to power system of rail transit and the preventive measures,this paper collects the measured inter-harmonics current a t a 35 kV system and holds that,the electric power system of rail transit shall be equipped with 24-pulse rectifier,the preventive measures shall refer to the calculated result of the harmonic current and take this calculation as a standar d for protection.
Urban Mass Transit