为了解一次性使用卫生用品的安全性,对鲁中地区企业生产的一次性使用卫生用品抽样进行了皮肤刺激试验、阴道黏膜刺激试验和皮肤变态反应试验。结果, 13份含醋酸氯己定的皮肤洗液产品中有 1份呈轻刺激性。17份卫生护垫和卫生巾产品阴道粘膜刺激试验均呈无刺激性。皮肤变态反应试验的 19份皮肤洗液产品均呈极轻致敏性。结论,该地区部分企业生产的一次性使用卫生用品的安全性毒理学方面符合国家要求。
In order to know the safety of disposable sanitary products, samples of disposable sanitary products produced by the enterprises in Luzhong prefecture were taken for skin irritation test, vaginal mucosa irritation test and skin allergic reaction test. Results: One of 13 skin lotion products containing chlorhexidine acetate caused mild irritation. Vaginal mucosa irritation test for 17 sanitary pads and sanitary towels did not show irritation. Skin allergic reaction test for 19 skin lotion products showed very slight sensitization. Conclusion: The safety and toxicological profile of the disposable sanitary products produced by some enterprises in this prefecture fulfils the national requirements.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection