目的 :免疫相关性血细胞减少症有原发性与继发性两种 ,为提高其诊断率及鉴别诊断 ,以便及时治疗。方法 :采用西班牙格瑞索 (GRIFOLS)自动分析仪进行Coomb试验 ,将其分为AHG、IgG、IgG +C3 、C3 、骨髓单个核Coomb试验及Coomb试验阴性几种类型。结果 :5 6 1例贫血患者 15 7例Coomb阳性。其中原发性 10 7例 ,包括自身免疫性溶血性贫血 (AIHA) ;原发性血小板减少性紫癜 (ITP) ;Evans综合征。 3例骨髓单个核细胞Coomb阳性 ,Coomb试验阴性者 8例。继发免疫相关血细胞减少症 5 0例 ,包括多种微生物感染、癌症、器官移植术后、结缔组织病等。结论 :无论原发或是继发免疫相关血细胞减少症均是机体免疫功能紊乱 ,产生针对自身红细胞的抗体和 (或 )补体 ,其吸附于红细胞表面 ,导致红细胞破坏而溶血。同时对Coomb试验阴性者及骨髓单个核细胞Coomb阳性者进行探讨 。
Objective:To raise the rate of diagnosis in patients with primary and secondary hemocytopenia.Method:GRIFOLS automatic analyzer was used in Coombs test. It includes AHG, IgG, IgG+C 3, bone marrow monocyte Coombs test and Coombs negative.Result:157 of 107 patients were with primary hemocytopenia, including AIHA, ITP and Evans syndrome. Bone marrow monocyte of 3 cases showed Coombs test positive, while that of 8 cases showed negative. 50 of 157 patients were with secondary immune related hemocytopenia, inclading infuctions, cancer, post organ transplantation and connective tissue diseascs.Conclusion:Primary and secondary immune related hemocytopenia is a kind of immune disease, autoantibody and complement absorbed in red cell surface, which induces hemolysis. Coombs test negative and bone marrow monocyte Coombs test postive cases need exploration to design personal therapy methords.
Journal of Clinical Hematology