狐精小说的发展经历了一个漫长的过程,至唐代其面貌已有明显改观。作为唐传奇的压卷之作, 《任氏传》开辟了人狐恋小说的先河。狐妖任氏的美丽善良、聪明机智,对爱情的忠贞不二,给人留下难以忘怀的印象。从总体上看,作品着意突出狐意象人性化的一面,借写精怪来写人,已具备了有意创作小说的自觉意识,在艺术上发展得比较丰富和成熟。《任氏传》的成功,标志着狐精小说沿革至唐传奇时已经摆脱了创始期的那种幼稚状态,逐步走向成熟。
Novels of the Fox Fairy underwent a considerable change until Tang Dynasty. As magnificent works of Tang legend, 'Ren The Fox Fairy' is the earliest love story between human and fox. Renshi impresses readers with her beauty, virtue, and loyalty to love. As a whole, the works remarkably gives prominence to the human aspect of the fox, therefore represents humanity by fairy stories. The author' s writing skill and maturity in art embodies his consciousness of novel creation. The success of Ren The Fox Fairy symbolizes that the Fox Fairy novels have cultivated from its primitive stage to a mature literary style.
Journal of Ningbo Radio & TV University