目的 :制备甲型流感病毒的抗血清作为流感病毒亚型鉴定之用。方法 :用两株H1 1亚型流感病毒分别免疫成年、健康的SPF莱亨鸡 ,刺激其产生抗体。通过血凝抑制实验检测抗血清的抗体滴度。结果 :所有免疫SPF莱亨鸡都产生了抗H1 1亚型流感病毒的抗体 ,且血清抗体滴度差异较大。结论 :本实验所用方法简便 ,制备的抗体特异性强 ,产生的抗体可用于甲型流感病毒亚型鉴定。
Objective:To make antiserum against influenza A virus for influenza virus subtype identification.Metho-ds:Healthy, adult chickens with specific pathogen free(SPF)were immunized with two different H11-subtype influenza A virus strains and stimulated to produce antiserum. Hemagglutinin inhibition test was performed to detect titer of antise- rum. Results:Antibody against H11-subtype influenza A virus could be detected in all immunized SPF chickens. However, there was significant difference of antibody titer between two groups.Conclusion:The method adopted currently is convenient and specific. The antibody produced by this method can be used for influenza A virus subtype identification.
Journal of Shantou University Medical College
世界卫生组织HQ 0 1 14 4185
英国WellcomeTrust基金 (0 670 72 D 0 2 Z )
广东省教育厅高校自然科学研究项目(Z0 2 0 3 8)
广东省自然科学基金 (0 40 2 0 2 3 9)