On Oct.12th, 2004, the News Office of the State Council released the investigation report on the Nutri- “tional Status & Physical condition of the Chinese Residents” done in 2000. It shows, with the developmentof the sustained and rapid development of our national economy, the diet and the nutritional status of theresidents in cities and the countryside in the past ten years have evidently improved. This result accordswith the development of our food production and food industry.
On Oct.12th, 2004, the News Office of the State Council released the investigation report on the Nutri-
tional Status & Physical condition of the Chinese Residents” done in 2000. It shows, with the development
of the sustained and rapid development of our national economy, the diet and the nutritional status of the
residents in cities and the countryside in the past ten years have evidently improved. This result accords
with the development of our food production and food industry.
Food global industry