随着嘉陵江渠化工程枢纽的建设、运行 ,如何妥善解决好因渠化工程施工带来的不利影响 ,是航道管理部门面临的一个重要而紧迫的课题。文中从嘉陵江渠化工程入手 ,结合嘉陵江航道的具体情况 。
Along with construction and circulation of the Jialingjiang River canalization project junctions, how to appropriatly solve the disadvantageous influence of canalization project construction, is an important and urgent lesson that faces the channel management dept.This paper is starting from the canalization project of Jinalingjiang River, and joining together the concrete circumstance of Jinalingjiang River′s channel, discussing the current counterplans and measures that should be adopted by the channel management dept.
Transportation Science & Technology