Characteristic features of austenitic steel grades combine a good corrosion resistance with a low hardness, wear resistance and scratch resistance. An interesting possibility for improving the wear behaviour of these steels without loss of their corrosion resistance lies in enriching the near surface region with nitrogen. The process of a solution nitriding allows the rise of the solution of nitrogen in the solid phase. On this state nitrogen increases the corrosion resistance and the tribilogical load-bearing capacity. The aim of the study was, to investigate the improvement of the pitting corrosion behaviour by solution nitriding. A special topic was to observe the effect of nitrogen by different molybdenum content. So austenitic stainless steels (18% Cr, 12% Ni, Mo gradation between 0.06 to 3.6%) had been solution nitrided. The samples could be prepared with various surface content of nitrogen from 0.04 to 0.45% with a step-by-step grinding. The susceptibility against pitting corrosion of these samples had been tested by determination of the stable pitting potential in 0.5M and 1M NaCl at 25°C. For the investigated steel composition and the used corrosion system there is no influence of molybdenum on the effectiveness of nitrogen. The influence of nitrogen to all of the determined parameters can be described well by PRE = Cr + 3,3 * Mo + 25 *N. XPS analysis of the sample surfaces support the results of the pitting corrosion tests.Additionally surface investigations with an acid elektolyte (0,1M HC1 + 0,4M NaCl) were performed. In this case the passivation effective nitrogen content increases markedly with rising molybdenum concentration of the steel. Obviously an interaction of Mo and N is connected with a strongly acid electrolyte.
Characteristic features of austenitic steel grades combine a good corrosion resistance with a low hardness, wear resistance and scratch resistance. An interesting possibility for improving the wear behaviour of these steels without loss of their corrosion resistance lies in enriching the near surface region with nitrogen. The process of a solution nitriding allows the rise of the solution of nitrogen in the solid phase. On this state nitrogen increases the corrosion resistance and the tribilogical load-bearing capacity. The aim of the study was, to investigate the improvement of the pitting corrosion behaviour by solution nitriding. A special topic was to observe the effect of nitrogen by different molybdenum content. So austenitic stainless steels (18% Cr, 12% Ni, Mo gradation between 0.06 to 3.6%) had been solution nitrided. The samples could be prepared with various surface content of nitrogen from 0.04 to 0.45% with a step-by-step grinding. The susceptibility against pitting corrosion of these samples had been tested by determination of the stable pitting potential in 0.5M and 1M NaCl at 25°C. For the investigated steel composition and the used corrosion system there is no influence of molybdenum on the effectiveness of nitrogen. The influence of nitrogen to all of the determined parameters can be described well by PRE = Cr + 3,3 * Mo + 25 *N. XPS analysis of the sample surfaces support the results of the pitting corrosion tests.Additionally surface investigations with an acid elektolyte (0,1M HC1 + 0,4M NaCl) were performed. In this case the passivation effective nitrogen content increases markedly with rising molybdenum concentration of the steel. Obviously an interaction of Mo and N is connected with a strongly acid electrolyte.
Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment
The DFG(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support(DFG No.PA 699/3-1 and FR 1603/1-2).
Pitting corrosion
high alloyed austenitic Cr-Ni-Mo-steel
solution nitriding, influence of nitrogen
stable pitting potential
pitting resistant equivalent (PRE)
0,5M NaCl
XPS - spectrum