建安十三年赤壁之战前夕 ,袁绍阵营最后覆灭 ,曹操奉天子讨不臣的战略目标胜利完成。战后曹操实施战略转变 ,放弃武力征伐 ,在北方转入文治。建安十五年以后颁布的三道求才令 ,与其所处战略阶段的人才要求不吻合 ,唯才是举并非为了完成统一而提出。曹操的佐命人才也在建安十三年以前全部到位 ,求才令颁布后 ,实际没有吸收新人才。本文将三令与同步进行的曹操建国活动联系起来分析 ,可以为开掘唯才是举的历史内涵提供一个新的认识角度。
On the eve of the Chibi Battle Cao Cao completely destroyed the camp led by Yuan Shao in the thirteenth year of Jianan reign of the Eastern Han dynasty (208) and successfully attained his strategic goal of having the emperor in his power and ordering the nobles about. After the battle he abandoned military expeditions and shifted his stress to civil administration in the north of China. The three decrees of seeking after talents promulgated after the fifteenth year of Jianan reign (210 ) did not conform to the criteria of talents required at this stage. The slogan of putting talent before everything else in the selection of officials did not put forward for the purpose of unifying China. The officials needed by Cao Cao had been all in place before the thirteenth year of Jianan reign. No new talents were, in fact, recruited after the promulgation of the decrees. This paper analyzes the decrees by relating them to Cao Caos synchronic endeavors to build a new kingdom and provides a new angle to dig for the historical connotations of his talent-before-everything advocacy.
Historical Research