本文在研究时变信道的自适应匹配中,采用了多途信道的横向滤波器模型(MA模型),为求滤波器权系数应用的是最小均方误差滤波方法。在最小均方误差滤波中无论是采用最徒下降法(Steepst Descent Method),还是最小均方算法(LMS Algorithm),在叠代方程中都要引入步长因子μ.以往对μ的取值只推导出一个范围0<μ<1/λ_(max),λ_(max)为采集信号自相关矩阵的最大本征值,且在叠代过程中是一个常数。但究竞取多大值?取小了自适应叠代方程收敛慢,取大了误差能量函数产生振荡,甚至发散。为寻找一种快速收敛的自适应滤波方法,以适应信道的时变特性时发现,对叠代步长因子μ作自适应调节,会使收敛速度有明显提高。
In this paper a model of transversal filter is presented to study the adaptive match of the time-variant channel. A least mean square error filtering method is used to obtain the weighting coefficients of the filter.The factor of step size u is always in need when using the steepst desent method as well as the LMS algorithm to solve the adaptive iteration equation. In the past, only a limit as 0<μ<1/λmax was given to the iterative step size μ, where λmax is a maximum eigenvalue of the data correlation matrix and μ remains as a constant during the iteration. However, it is very difficult to find an optimal value of μ. In case of small μ, the convergence speed of the adaptive iteration equation is rather slow. On the contrary, the function of error energy will oscilate or diverge if the μ is too big. With the purpose to speed the convergence of the iteration equation of the adaptive filtering ,in this paper an adaptive adjustment of iterative step size is deduced. The result of the computer simulation shows that, in the case of using the adaptive μ. the convergence speed of the iteration equation is increased about 2 times in comparison with constant μ. The study suggests that the adaptive filter with adaptive μ will be able to follow the time-variant characteristics of the channel.
Acta Acustica