A clone inserted with 1 104 bp fragment containing a 765bp Open Reading Frame(ORF), encoding a putative 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate(2,3BPG) dependent Phosphoglycerate mutase(dPGAM) that catalyzes the transfer of a phosphate group from the C3 carbon atom to the C2 carbon atom of phosphoglycerate, was screened by mass sequencing from the cDNA library of the venom glands of Apis cerana. The deduced amino acid sequence shared high similarities (39%-88%)with the dPGAM of 7 other organisms, but the similarities with the iPGAM of 4 other organisms were low (10%-12%). Moreover, the alignment of Ac-PGAM with the dPGAMs from 7 other organisms showed that all the active site amino acid residues were conserved. This result shows that Ac-PGAM is a typical dPGAM. Thus, this is the second PGAM gene reported in Insecta. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that the evolutionary tree of PGAMs reflects the systematic relationship of species.
在中华蜜蜂 (Apiscerana)工蜂毒腺cDNA文库内发现了一个插有 110 4bp外源片段的克隆 ,内含一个 76 5bp的开放阅读框架 (ORF) ,编码一个含有 2 5 4个氨基酸残基的依赖于 2 ,3-二磷酸甘油酸的磷酸甘油变位酶(dPGAM) ,催化 3 磷酸甘油和 2 -磷酸甘油之间的转化。推测的氨基酸序列与其他 7种生物的dPGAM的相似性很高 (39% - 88% ) ,而与其他 4种不依赖于 2 ,3 二磷酸甘油酸的磷酸甘油变位酶 (iPGAM )的相似性则很低(10 % - 12 % ) ,氨基酸序列的多重联配表明组成dPGAM活性位点的氨基酸残基在包括中华蜜蜂在内的所有生物体内是十分保守的 ,Ac PGAM是一种典型的dPGAM。这是昆虫纲中继在果蝇中发现PGAM基因后的第 2个昆虫dPGAM基因 ,其对PGAM基因的结构与功能研究及对昆虫的分子生物学研究具有意义。同时 ,对PGAM的进化关系的分析表明该基因可以用作研究物种系统关系的一个依据。
TheGenBankaccessionnumberofthesequencereportedinthispaperisAY370 678