精密机械设计基础课程是工科机械类专业的一门主要技术基础课 ,涉及的知识面广 ,与不少课程有密切联系。本文以机械工程系统设计为主题 ,针对机械设计课程教学与发展的需要 ,对精密机械设计类系列课程教学内容和方法进行了整合调整 ,并提出了合理的课程教学的体系与思路。
The course in fundamentals of design of precision machinery, a major course in the study of mechanical engineering, covers a wide range of knowledge and is related to many other courses. With the design of mechanical engineering systems as its focal point, this paper discusses the needs in the development of mechanical design courses, the reorganization of their contents and methods of teaching, a rational teaching system, and teaching principles.
Education and Modernization