目的: 对光固化复合树脂修复若干年后致坏死牙髓的组织学观察及病因探讨。方法:收集临床上光固化复合树脂修复若干年后,无临床症状但活力测试阴性的牙髓,作病理切片,光镜观察。结果:该组牙髓无炎细胞浸润,可见大量成纤维细胞及钙化灶形成,核固缩,为无炎性坏死。结论:光固化复合树脂修复后能引起牙髓无炎性坏死,这种无炎性坏死是多因素共同作用的结果。
Objective: To observe histological changes of dental pulps which necrotized after lighted-cured compositerestoration and to explore the causes. Methods: The dental pulps of patients with negative pulp response and withoutclinical symptoms after lighted-cured composite restoration were included in this study. The samples were collected toobserve histological changes. Results: The result showed pulps karyopyknosis, calcification and proliferation of fibroblastswithout inflammatory cell infiltration, which indicated non-inflammatory necrosis of pulps. Conclusion: Lighted-curedcomposite restoration can cause non-inflammatory necrosis of pulps and the pathogenic factors are varied.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics