针对目前污水处理厂采用固定时间控制策略所暴露出的问题 ,从污水生物处理反应机理上分析了溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位 (ORP)和 pH值作为污水生物处理实时控制参数的可行性 ,得出污水处理过程中反应器内DO、ORP和pH的变化可以间接反应有机物降解和脱氮除磷过程 ,因此 ,在理论上可以应用DO、ORP和pH作为实时控制参数控制污水处理过程 .综述了当前国内外应用DO、ORP和pH作为实时控制参数控制污水处理过程的研究进展 ,并分析了目前我国在此研究方向存在的问题 ,指出进一步加强对污水处理实时控制技术应用基础研究的必要性和紧迫性 ,并使其与智能控制技术相结合 ,最终实现污水处理自动化 .参 2
In this review, considering the problems existing in wastewater treatment plants using fix-time strategy, the feasibilities of dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH value used as real-time control parameters were analyzed according to the reaction mechanism of wastewater bio-treatment. The results showed that the changes of DO, ORP and pH could indirectly express the situation of COD, N and P removal during wastewater treatment. So theoretically, the DO, ORP and pH used as real-time control parameters could control wastewater treatment process. On the basis of this, the application of DO, ORP and pH as real-time control parameters in wastewater treatment is summarized, and the problems in this research fields were reviewed.This paper points out that the applied fundamental research of real-time control in wastewater treatment should be strengthened and this process should be combined with intelligent control in order to make wastewater treatment automatized. Ref 27
Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology