目的 探讨隐匿性巩膜破裂的诊断要点及手术方法。方法 分析了 15例 (15眼 )隐匿性巩膜破裂的临床资料。结果 手术后视力提高 6眼 (4 0 0 0 % ) ,除 1眼行二期眼球摘除外 ,其余眼球得以保留 ,为以后争取复明提供了机会。结论 视力光感以下、低眼压、球结膜下大量出血、结膜水肿及前房积血为隐匿性巩膜破裂的诊断依据。眼球某一方向运动受限、眼球塌陷变形及角膜横形皱纹对诊断有重要的参考价值。对疑有巩膜破裂的患者早期行手术探查是避免漏诊和误诊的关键。
Objective To investigate the diagnosis and sur gical method of occult scleral rupture. Methods The clinical data of occult scleral rupture were analys ed retrospectively . Results Visual acuity improved in 6 eyes (40 00%),unless one w as enucleated because of atrophy of eyeball.The retained 14 eyeballs had futher opportunity of recovery of visual acuity.Conclusion Visual acui ty below light sense,bulbar conjunctival edema,subconjunctival hemorrhage,hypote nsion and hyphema are the basis of dianosis.Ristriction of eye movement,deformit y of eyeball,corneal horizontal wrinkles are valuable to make a diagnosis.Operat ion should be taken without delay when it is doubtful that there is a occult scl eral rupture.
Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries