使用荧光探测HPLC法 ,测定了临床血样中异丙酚的质量浓度。全血样品用正己烷提取后 ,再用 0 .4mol/LNaOH甲醇溶液反提。使用C1 8ODS柱 (2 5 0mm× 4.6mm) ;乙腈 水 (体积分数分别为 60 %、40 % ,每 1 0 0 0mL加1mL三氟乙酸 )为流动相 ;以百里酚作为内标 ;激发波长 2 76nm ,发射波长 3 1 0nm荧光检测。结果 :方法的最低检测下限 0 .5 μg/L ,平均相对回收率在 93 %~ 1 0 4%之间 ,RSD(相对标准偏差 ) <9.2 %。
The propofol in human blood was measured by HPLC with fluorimeter. Thymol was used as an internal standard. Following the extraction with hexane, propofol was extracted from the hexane into the NaOH methanol solution(0.4 mol/L). Chromatographic condition: a C18 ODS column( 250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm) was used; the mobile phase was a mixture solution of acetonitrile and water (60%,40%, added 1 mL of trifluoroacetic acid per 1 000 mL); the excitation and emission wave lengths were 276 and 310 nm respectively. The limit of quantification is 0.5 μg/L, average recovery is between 93% and 104%, RSD <9.2%.
Journal of Capital Medical University