
如何解决路面结构设计中存在的问题 被引量:1

How to solve the problems in pavement structure design
摘要 中国的沥青公路许多是使用几年后就开始大面积维修,对于责任常常是众说纷纭。一些人怪罪于超载车辆碾压,一些人则认为偷工减料,究竟是什么原因?请看中国工程院院士、交通部公路科学研究所研究员沈金安在“第二届全国公路科技创新高层论坛”上所做的报告,或许对我们今后沥青公路的建设有所启迪。 Many asphalt highways required large-scalemaintenance after several years in China. Thereare a lot of debates on who should take theresponsibilities. Someone blames the overloadedtraffic, while others reproached the camp work andstint materials. For the real reasons, please see thespeech delivered by the academician of ChineseAcademy of Engineering, researcher of ResearchInstitute of Highway, Shen Jin'an on the 2nd Forumon National Highway Sci. & Tech. Creativeness, whichmight provides some enlightments in the asphalthighway construction in the future.
出处 《交通世界》 2004年第11期38-41,18,共4页 Transpoworld
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