Starting from the non-linear momentum equation and using the method of multipletime scales, this paper studies the barotropic instability due to the interaction between themeridional disturbance and the zonal disturbance in the tropical east wind field. The theoretical analysis shows that. Under the zeroth order approximation, we obtain the expression of two disturbance frequencies. Under the first order approximation, we also deduce the analytical expression of two amplitudes of zeroth order disturbance.Because of the existence of the divergence term in the equation, only the total kinetic energy conserves when three waves with different space scales take part in the resonant interaction, but the total potential enstrophy does not conserve. This result is different from that of a non-divergence atmosphere. The mechanism of exchange between the meridional disturbed kinetic energy and the zonal disturbed kinetic energy is the interaction between the vorticity field and the divergence field.
Tropical East Wind
meridional disturbance
zonal disturbance
vorticity field
divergence field
non-linear interaction