This paper shows that if a Gateaux differentiable functional f has a finite lower bound(although it need not attain it),then,for everyε>0,there exists some point zεsuch that‖f′(zε)‖ε1+h(‖zε‖),where h:[0,∞)→[0,∞)is a continuous function such that∫∞011+h(r)dr=∞.Applications are given to extremum problem and some surjective mappings.
This paper shows that if a Gateaux differentiable functional f has a finite lower bound(although it need not attain it),then,for everyε>0,there exists some point zεsuch that‖f′(zε)‖ε1+h(‖zε‖),where h:[0,∞)→[0,∞)is a continuous function such that∫∞011+h(r)dr=∞.Applications are given to extremum problem and some surjective mappings.