The Xiaobalang site lies on North Hill at Xiaobalang Village in Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province. In 1994, the Jiamusi Municipal Station for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments carried out there excavation in cooperation with Jilin University, and revealed an area of 1,450 sq m. The work brought to light eight house-foundations, six ash-pits and three tombs. The unearthed objects include various pottery vessels, stone tools, irons, bronzes and bone, horn and ivory artifacts, as well as “wuzhu” coins and animal remains. The site shows much similarity to the Guntuling site in cultural connotation and must have belonged to the Guntuling culture. It goes back roughly to the Han-Wei period according to ^14C-dating and the features of the unearthed coins.
The Xiaobalang site lies on North Hill at Xiaobalang Village in Huanan County, Hei-longjiang Province. In 1994, the Jiamusi Municipal Station for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments carried out there excavation in cooperation with Jilin University, and revealed an area of 1, 450 sq m. The work brought to light eight house-foundations, six ash-pits and three tombs. The unearthed objects include various pottery vessels, stone tools, irons, bronzes and bone, horn and ivory artifacts, as well as 'wuzhu' coins and animal remains. The site shows much similarity to the Guntuling site in cultural connotation and must have belonged to the Guntuling culture. It goes back roughly to the Han-Wei period according to 14C-dating and the features of the unearthed coins.