介绍了头盔式双目激光助视/微光夜视仪的设计,它是由激光助视系统,特种光学镜头,高性能 微光像增强器组成的主被合一的新型激光夜视仪器。与以往的国内的夜视眼镜相比,它以非球面物镜 以及助视功能为特色,以双管高性能超二代像增强器为核心,参照了国外的最新的头盔微光夜视仪的 光学系统数据,灵敏度高,图像清晰,并适于头戴和手持两用,其探测阈值延伸到10-3lx以下,改变 了目前大多数的微光夜视仪器固有的缺陷,使得在任何恶劣的条件下也可以正常工作。
In this paper, the present status and developing tendency of night vision device of helmet are reviewed. The research intention and design principle of CY-1R night vision goggle are explained which fills the gaps in active-passive combined night vision field in our country. The structure, composition, mechanism and overall performance of the goggle are analyzed. It is a new type device consisting of laser illuminator system, special optical system and high performance low-level-light intensifier. Compared with other domestic goggles, this binocular goggle with two GenII+ image tubes is not only composed of the image tubes, the objective lens, the eyepieces, the mechanical structure and the electricity supply but also assembled with an infra light source by which the range of the goggle can be greatly improved. In addition, referring to the data of the overseas goggles' optical system, one of its objective lens is designed to be non-spherical lens. Based on these characteristics, the sensitivity of the system is high and the image observed is very clear. Taking advantage of it, we can complete the military operation under any atrocious weather conditions.
Infrared Technology