根据临床及 x 线表现,结合骨功能检查,按 Flcet 分类法,将成人股骨头无菌性坏死分型、分期。突出肾主骨理论,进行中医辨证分型,结合病因病机拟治则及处方用药。全部采用保守疗法。随访354例患者,治愈率59.89%,显效率29.37%,好转率5.93%,无效率4.80%。作者提出中药可激活坏死的骨质,使塌陷的股骨头修复,展示中药治疗此病的优越性。
The necrosis of the adult's femur without bacteria results from various causes.The common clinical one is mostly caused by the trauma and the using of adrenocortico-trophin.At present,the cause and the pathoiogy are yet unclear.According to the traditional idea,once the femur becomes necrosis,it cannot get over,what is more,it gradually goes worse.In clinical trials,we refer to the show of the X-rays,combined with the examination of the bone function,classify and treat by instalments in terms of the Fioat-classification,lay stress on the doctrine of kidney. We have treated 354 cases and found that the cure ratio is 59.89%, the achieving good results ratio is 29.37%,the improving ratio is 5.93%,and the ineffective ratio is 4.80%. Therefore,we think,the stimulating effect of the traditional Chinese medicine prompting the revival of dead bone repairing,the downfall femur,and shows further the spesscial effect of curing the nesrosis of the adult's femur without bacteria by using the traditional Chinese medicine.
Aseptic neerosis of adult head of femur
Treatment with Chinese herbs