目的 :了解居家腹膜透析病人对护理的需求 ,根据病人需求提供相应的护理。方法 :随机选择 6 0例即将出院的腹膜透析病人 ,根据住院次数进行分组 ,A组为首次住院的 ,B组为再次入院的 ,用自行设计的问卷进行调查 ,并用百分构成法进行分析。结果 :A组病人希望护士分别在其出院前 1周、出院后 1周、出院后半年内每月随访 1次 ,提供评估居家腹透环境、操作指导、处理意外情况等护理 ;B组病人在换管、复诊等时间最希望见到腹透护士。针对处于不同时期的病人的需求采取不同的护理措施 ,因需施护 。
Objective: To investigate home peritoneal dialysis patients nursing needs and provide suitable nursing so as to satisfy them with less resources. Methods: 60 patients were surveyed when they were ready to leave hospital, they were divided into two groups, patients in group A were initial hospitalized. Group B was not. All of them were required to answer our self-designed test paper. Then the results were described with percentage ratio. Results: Patients in group A and B had different needs to nursing time and contents. Patients in group A hoped the trained nurses visit them a week before and after leaving the hospital. And they wanted to be visited monthly to evaluate the dialysis environment, providing practice and emergency instruction. Patients in group B wanted to be instructed by nurses when they were secondly to hospital or needed to change tubes. The nursing needs tendency was different to different periodic dialysis patients. Conclusion: Dialysis trained nurses should take different measures to different periodic dialysis patients, trying to meet their individual needs and improve the home-dialysis quality.
Journal of Qilu Nursing