钢结构工程的优越性已越来越被业内人士所认同。长期以来 ,我国主要采用钢筋混凝土结构和预应力混凝土结构 ,现场工程技术人员比较缺乏钢结构工程的施工和监理经验 ,因而 ,钢结构工程的质量问题也越来越引起人们的重视 ,加强钢结构工程施工质量的监理工作 。
The advantages of a steel -structure project have been ident ified more and more clearly by the professionals,but for a long time we mainly use reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete structure s in the construction industry.Mos t of the engineers and professiona ls are all short of construction e xperience and supervision experien ce and such actuality makes engine ers put more and more importance o n the quality problems of the stee l-structure project.So it have pra ctical meaning and necessity to en hance the supervising work for the construction of steel-structure pr ojects onstruction.
Steel Construction