根据预应力空间等效荷载原理 ,结合实际工程对小半径预应力钢 -混组合曲线梁桥的空间效应进行了分析。分析了组合梁预应力空间效应对主梁扭矩和支座反力的影响 ,在设计过程中采取了支座偏心、压重等有效措施 ,并在抗震设计和支架设计中考虑了弯曲效应的影响。
It was analyzed that the space effect of a prestressed stee l-concrete curved beam bridge with a small radius according to the pr inciple of prestressed space equiv alent load,and combining actual pr ojects.The influence of prestresse d space effect of the composite be am on the torque of the main beam and support reaction was also anal yzed.Some effective measures,such as the support eccentricity and ba llast etc were taken during its de sign process.The bending effect wa s also taken into account in the a seismic design and that of the sup port bracket.
Steel Construction