本文分两部分 ,论述不同语言中焦点先行句的句法结构和成句条件以及其在话语中的应用情况。第一部分从信息结构和话语分析的角度审视汉语语法研究中经常提到的倒装、重复和追补等句式。从这些句式的形式和功能之间的关系可以看出 ,语序是汉语中表示信息结构的重要手段 ,以此为基础可统一处理倒装、提前、重复、追补等现象。第二部分考察英语、日语和希腊语中的右偏置句和相关句式 ,通过与汉语的对比 ,说明不同语言中延伸句在形式和功能上的异同。本文认为 ,语序在上述几种语言中都是可以用来凸显焦点的句法手段 ,但不同的语言对成句的条件又各自有不同的要求 ,因此研究者必须把句法形式 (如焦点先行 )跟其他的手段 (如语调 )区分开来。结论是 ,汉语在表达信息结构方面 ,跟英语和其他语言相比 ,对语调的要求较低 ,而更依赖于句法手段。
In this paper, a comparison is made between Chinese “incremental sentences” (previously known as “inverted sentences”) and similar sentence types such as right dislocation and right detachment in English, French, Greek and Japanese. It is found that: (1) in contrast to the other languages, Chinese has a greater tendency to use word order strategies (i.e. fronting or extension) to perform information focusing; (2) there are indications that right dislocation occurs much more frequently in naturally occurring speech in Chinese than in English; (3) a general condition for a right dislocation structure to be grammatical appears to be that its first part must itself be a grammatical sentence; (4) Chinese and Japanese, as “zero-anaphora languages”, behave differently in this respect: the missing subjects and objects often give the false impression that constituents are being “moved around”, when they are not; (5) it is possible for the second part of an incremental sentence in Chinese to receive stress, but not so in English: this suggests that far from being an inversion, an incremental sentence may well be a regular syntactic structure in Chinese.
Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies