目的 构建在建立大型应用系统时整合多种运行在不同软硬件环境、采用不同实现方式和技术的异构系统。方法 通过将消息队列异步缓存模式的调用特性和Web服务的标准化、跨语言、跨平台的访问特性相结合。结果 通过将两种技术有机的结合,建立了一个灵活而又具有普遍适应性的分布式系统异步交互的体系架构。以Webservice技术系统间访问的基础,在系统内部结合消息队列技术进行模块间任务的呼叫和响应,使整个系统间交互具有消息驱动的特点。同时,并不要求系统的两端是用同一种系统平台及同一种消息队列产品。这也使系统架构具有了广泛的适应性,它可以建立在绝大多数系统平台上。结论 在建立一个需要整合Internet上多个不同的服务系统的综合网络应用系统的过程时,首先需要考虑的是使这些异构系统以最为简洁通用的协议进行交互,其次是使这些Internet上的系统间交互成功高效的执行。Webservice技术提供了被广泛支持远程方法调用的途径,而消息队列则提供了异步交互的成熟服务,借此整合了Webservice和消息队列两种技术建立的分布式系统异步交互的体系架构,可以实现多种灵活的系统交互模式。
Aim How to construct a flexible framework is applied to asynchronous communication on internet.Methods Web service is a latest and effective technology to construct distributed application system base on Web. The essential capacity of Web services is universal interface and convenient for finding and using it. Message queue is a popular used service for asynchronous communication. The two useful services in our Web application to build an accessible extendable flexible and efficient solution.Results A powerful framework has been established from using lots of techniques, such as Web service, message queue, multiple threads, call back on Web service, and so on. And this framework has been successfully used in a large GEO service network system. And a through system transaction mechanism in the GEO system is also implemented base on the framework.Conclusion Once it is need to construct a network system which must combine some different systems on the internet, the first thing which should be considered is a very accessible way of interacting between these systems. And the second is an efficient Method for making the interacting. Now Web service becomes the most popular protocol for remote function call. And message queue is a very mature technique for implementing asynchronous communication.A framework integrating Web service and message queue is an effective and efficient way to make a flexible asynchronous communication on internet. Using this framework, those very different systems work together can be made, the interaction on internet will be done smoothly and actively.
Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)