实验研究了新型丝网填料滴滤器净化含苯废气的性能。研究表明该生物滴滤器能够有效的净化含苯废气 ,在入口负荷小于 6 0mg·L-1·h-1时 ,平均净化效率在 90 %以上。当进口负荷提高时 ,消除能力也逐渐提高 ,但净化效率有所下降 ,将进口负荷控制在 30~ 6 0mg·L-1·h-1之间 ,即可以达到高的净化效率 ,又可保持较高的消除能力。苯的净化效率随进气量增加而下降 ,对于净化高浓度苯废气 ,10~ 2 0m/h的气速是比较合适的。不锈钢丝网填料对循环液分布均匀性有较高要求 ,特别在生物膜的形成阶段。当喷淋系统不能保证布液均匀时 ,可采用阶梯环等化工填料作为最初的液体分配层。
Performance of Biotrickling filter with novel webby filling for treatment benzene in air stream was researched in the paper.The result showed that the biotrickling filter with novel webby filling can treat benzene effectively. When benzene loading under 60mg·L -1·h -1,the average removal efficiency was higher than 90%.Elimination capacity was enhanced with increase of input loading,but removal efficiency was down.When loading was between 30~60mg·L -1·h -1,the removal efficiency and elimination capacity were satisfaction.The removal efficiencies dropped with increase of input air stream.The stream speed between 10~20m/h was becomingly.The webby filling needed averagely distribure liquid in the filter,especially when the biofilm was forming.If the liquid can't be averagely distributed,scalariform ring can be used as distributed layer on webby filling.
Environmental Protection Science