目的 探讨海马齿状回苔状纤维侧枝发芽与癫痫发作敏感性形成之间的关系。方法 在颈部皮下注射惊厥剂量的海人酸 (KA ,10mg/kg)诱发大鼠出现癫痫发作后 ,采用Timm’s染色法 ,分别在注射KA后3d、7d和 1个月 3个时间点观察致痫大鼠海马齿状回内苔状纤维发芽的情况。结果 Timm’s染色发现 ,注射KA后 7d ,海马齿状回分子层内带和颗粒细胞上层出现苔状纤维的异常发芽 ,注射KA后 1个月海马齿状回内Timm’s染色颗粒颜色加深 ,范围增大。提示海马苔状纤维发芽形成的时间过程与癫痫发作敏感性形成的时间过程一致。结论 海马齿状回分子层内带和颗粒细胞上层出现异常的苔状纤维发芽可能与癫痫发作敏感性形成有关。
Objective To study the relationship o f the mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampal dentate gyrus and the formation of epileptic seizure susceptibility. Methods Timm's staining was used to determine the sprouting of mossy fibers 3 days, 7 days and 1 month after injection of KA in the cervical subcutaneous tissue. Results The result of Timm's staining showed that mossy fibers sprouted abnor mally in the inner molecules layer and upper granular layer of dentate gyrus and hippocampus in rat on the day 7 after KA injection, and Timm's staining granule s were found more clearly and widely 1 month after injection of KA. This findin g indicates that the time course of the formation of mossy fibers sprouting is a ccordance with the formation of seizure susceptibility. Conclusion The mossy fibers sprouting fibers in the inner molecules layer of dent ate gyrus and upper layer of the granular cells might be involved in the formati on of seizure hyperexcitibility. [YM5”BZ。=308,S]
Progress of Anatomical Sciences
辽宁省科技厅博士启动基金 (2 0 0 110 2 0 82 )