<Abstract > A brief introduction to preliminary design of Three Gorges project ismade in this paper. (a) Fundamental data:1000 year flood peak discharge of 98 000ma/s and 10000 year one of 113 000 m3/s at damsite are adopted,which are deducedfrom a long一term hydrographic data of high precision.Based on three typical actual flood hydrograph,the incoming design flood has been deduced with the help of the same frequency composition method. There is a lot of geologic data of project area.The rock quality of dam foundation is very good. The basic seismic intensity is defined as VIgrade (seismic environment stable) at damsite. No reservoir leakage will occur in thisregion. The stability of reservoir bank generally is identified as good.(b) Project planning: The normal reservoir level is175m,with the first stage level of 156m. Flood control storage of 22150 million m^3 together with Jingjiang flood diversion area and others can safeguard the Jingjiang dyke from suffering the disastrous damage caused by dyke failure,against a 100 or 1000 year flood. The powerplant has a total installed capacity of l8. 2 million kW.with 26 power units,each of 0. 7 million k W.annual energy output of 81 680 million k W·h.The prospect installed capacity will be 22.4 millionkW.when additional 6 units will be added.Electric energy will be transmitted mainly to central and east China,with a small fraction to eastern part of Sichuan province.The navigation structures consist of double line five一stage shiplocks and a single linevertical shiplift. (c) Design and layout of the project:The general layout of the project is shown in attached drawing. Structures are designed under]000 year flood condition,and checked by 10000 year flood plus 10%.The concrete gravity dam has a maximum height of 175m,with a crest length of 2335m.The flood discharge capacity of this dam is116 X 10' m^3/s.The excavated volume of both earthworks and tockworks is about 100 million m^3,the volume of both earthworks and rockfill is some 30 millionm^3,and the conc
Yangtze River
preliminary design of Three Gorges project
project planning
Layout of project
mechanical and electric equipment design
construction design
project budget
environmental protection