老子道论的真正立足点和归宿点是对人生现实问题的深切关怀和忧虑 ,以及对人生理想境界的渴慕和追求 ,而不是单纯出于对宇宙自然的科学兴趣和对绝对实体的本体玄思。因而 ,老子的道论也是一种人学本体论。老子据此阐发了其复归于道的最高人生境界思想及一种“玄同于道”
The real intension of Laocius's Taoist theory is his deeply concerning and worrying about the practical problems of life,and his longing and pursuing for the ideal realm of life,rather than merely for his scientific interesting on nature or his subjective thinking about the absolute object.Therefore,the Taoist theory of Laocius is also an ontology of humanism.