随着我国法制建设的日益完善 ,经济建设的迅速发展 ,刑法中判令退赔在惩治犯罪 ,保护国家、集体及被害人的合法利益方面正发挥着越来越重要的作用。但在司法实践中 ,由于立法的局限、操作规程的不完善等多种原因出现刑事判令退赔案件难以执行的问题 ,本文就其原因进行了分析 ,就如何完善提出了建议和对策。
With the perfection of law system and the rapid economic development, refund and recoupment of sentence play a more and more important role in punishing crime, protecting legal advantage for country, collective and persecutor. But in practice, because of legislative limitation and defective operation, cases which were sentenced to refund and recoup could not be prosecuted fluently. This article analyzes reasons and provides advice and countermeasures to perfect it.
Journal of Chengdu Electromechanical College