在VisualC + +平台上利用OpenGL技术建立虚拟数控车削加工环境 ,用C + +语言把NC代码转换为计算机易于处理的数据信息 ,并将切削过程中各个物理因素的变化映射到虚拟制造系统中 ,通过用SQLServer建立的多个数据库支持几何仿真的图形算法与物理仿真的数值计算 ,进行虚拟环境下数控车削加工的几何仿真及物理仿真。和以往的仿真系统相比 ,可以全面实现刀具尺寸磨损、刀具受热变形、加工误差、表面粗糙度的预测及冷却液和屑形的模拟。
On the platform of Visual C++, we build the virtual manufacturing environment of CNC turning by use of OpenGL technique, convert the NC code to the data which can easily be managed by computer, reflect each of the changes in the progress of machinery, Then the geometrical simulation arithmetic and physical simulation calculatian are realized based on many data sources which are built through SQL Server, and the geometrical and physical simulation of NC turning in the Virtual environment can be carried out. Compared with other simulation systems, the prediction of cutter dimension abrasion, distortion for heating, machining error, product fine and thesimulation of cooling liquid and the shape of bits can be realized with this system.
Manufacturing Technology & Machine Tool