目的 总结采用显微外科技术治疗听神经瘤的体会 ,提高面神经保留率 ,预防并发症。方法 对我科近 2年来经显微手术治疗的 10例听神经瘤进行回顾性分析、研究。结果 肿瘤全切除率为 90 % ,面神经保留 9例(90 % ) ,耳蜗神经保留率为 30 % ,无手术死亡。结论 显微外科手术是治疗大、中型听神经瘤的有效方法 ,熟悉肿瘤与面神经的病理解剖关系 ,有助于提高手术效果。
Objective This paper summarize our experience of 10 patients with large and middle acoustic tumors underwent surgery, and discuss how to improve the rate of facial nerve preserved.Method 10 cases of acoustic neurinoma treated microsurgically in our department in last 2 years were analyzed retrospectively. Results Total tumor removal was accomplished in 90% of the patients . In 90% cases the facial nerve was anatomically preserved, In 30% cases the cochlea nerve was preserved. There was not one patient died. Conclusion Microsurgical treatment is an effective measure for acoustic neurinoma . Preceive pathological anatomy and preservation method of facial nerve can improve surgical results.
Medical Journal of Liaoning