本文系统地阐述了基于面向对象技术的软件重用原理和方法。通过软件生产各个活动得到结果的重复使用 ,提高了软件产品的生产效率与质量。并介绍了已广泛使用的典型软件组件规范SunSoft的JavaBeans和Microsoft的OLE/COM。面向对象方法与软件复用技术的结合 ,不但可以使问题域能够良好的求解 ,而且可以实现分析与设计结果。
This paper explained systematically the principle and method of software reuse based on OOT.Through the re used of the result that the software produces each activity received,it has improved the productions efficiency and quality of the software product.It introduced JavaBeans and OLE/COM.Combined OOT with software reuse;it can not only get an good answer from question domain,but also can reuse the analysis result,design result,and the code.
Journal of Modern Information