
碱性和中性亚硫酸盐法制浆废液合成木素铁铬盐的研究 被引量:5

The Study on Making Lignin Ferric Chromic Salt from Alkaline and Neutral Sulfite Pulping Waste Liquor
摘要 对中性亚硫酸钠 -蒽醌法杨木浆废液 (NS L)和碱性亚硫酸钠 -蒽醌法落叶松废液 (AS L)及二者的混合液 (体积比 4∶1 ) (M L) ,作了合成木质素铁铬盐的研究。并与酸性亚硫酸盐法木浆废液 (Ca L)及亚硫酸氢镁法苇浆废液 (Mg L)的合成木质素铁铬盐进行了比较。结果表明 ,浓H2 SO4 用量、反应温度和反应时间是反应的主要影响因素。NS L的适宜反应条件是 :反应温度 :40℃ ;反应时间 :60min ;浓H2 SO4用量 3/ 50 (对 50 %固含量的废液 )。AS L的适宜反应条件是 :反应温度 :50℃ ,反应时间 :70min ,浓H2 SO4 用量 4/ 4 0。M L的适宜反应条件是 :反应温度 :50℃ ;反应时间 :70min ;浓H2 SO4 用量 3/ 4 0。在各自的适宜反应条件下 ,实验用各种废液合成的木质素铁铬盐 ,其全铁和全铬含量 ,都符合国家行业标准的要求 ,络合度的测定值为 :NS L 93 4,AS L 93 0 ,Mg L 90 0 ,M L 86 0 ,Ca L 75 0。 Aspen neutral sulfite-anthraquinone pulping waste liquor (NS-L), larch alkaline sulfite-anthraquinone pulping waste liquor (AS-L) and the mixed waste liquor of NS-L and AS-L (volume ratio 4:1)(M-L) are used for making lignin ferric chromic salt which is compared with the lignin ferric chromic salt made with wood acidic sulfite pulping waste liquor (Ca-L) and reed magnesium bisulphite pulping waste liquor (Mg-L) in this paper. The results indicate that the charge of concentrated sulfuric-acid (98%), reaction temperature and time are the main reaction parameters. The optimum synthesis conditions of lignin ferric chromic salt with NS-L are that temperature 40℃; time 60min; the charge of concentrated sulfuric acid 3/50(volume ratio on waste liquor of 50% solid content), and with AS-L are that 50℃; 70min; 98% H 2SO 4 4/40, and with M-L are that 50℃; 70min; 98% H 2SO 4 3/40. At the respective optimum conditions, the contents of iron and chrome of the lignin ferric chromic salts made from each waste liquors meet the requirement of national standard, and complex degrees are: NS-L 93.4%, AS-L 93.0%, Mg-L 90.0%, M-L 86.0%, Ca-L 75.0%.
机构地区 大连轻工业学院
出处 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期77-80,共4页 Transactions of China Pulp and Paper
关键词 铬盐 反应温度 反应时间 H2SO4 反应条件 合成 亚硫酸盐法 制浆废液 木质素 木素 alkaline sulfite pulping waste liquor neutral sulfite pulping waste liquor lignin ferric chromic salt comprehensive utilization
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