硬化水泥浆在一般情况下存在体积收缩问题 ,这种收缩在固井作业后使得第 1、第 2界面容易产生微环隙 ,影响固井质量。为了能使水泥环的胀缩性量化 ,根据固井后水泥浆在井下的形态及地层的软硬程度 ,建立了水泥环应变测量系统 ,对水泥环的胀缩量进行测量 ,并计算出水泥环对第 1、第 2界面产生的应力。同时利用水泥环应变测量系统对不同水泥浆体系进行了评价 ,结果显示A级原浆试验结果与现场资料显示一致 ,进一步证明了该测量系统应用的可行性。由该应变测量系统评价的DPD膨胀水泥体系在大庆油田延时测井的调整井固井中 ,见到了明显的效果。
Rigidification of the cement slurry usually leads to volume shrinkage, which in turn produces micro annular gap at the secondary contact and impacts the cementing quality. To quantify the expansion and shrinkage of the cement sheath, a cement sheath strain measurement system is established according to the downhole state of cement slurry after cementing and formation hardness. This system is used to measure the expansion and shrinkage of cement sheath, and the strains on the primary and secondary contacts are then worked out. The strain measurement system was used to evaluate different cement slurry systems and the results showed that class A slurry obtained the same result as that of field data, which further proved the reliability of the system. The DPD expansion cement slurry system evaluated by the system exhibits remarkable effect in the adjustment well cementing of time delay logging in Daqing Oilfield.
Oil Drilling & Production Technology
编号国经贸厅技 [1997] 3 2 7号