本研究从50对虹鳟(Oncrhynchus mykiss Walbaum)的微卫星标记中筛选出在黑龙江乌苏里白鲑(Coregonus usssru-ensis Berg)基因组中扩增出的多态性SSLP标记12对。用其中的6对微卫星标记对15尾黑龙江乌苏里白鲑基因组DNA进行遗传检测。用2%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测微卫星引物的PCR扩增产物,计算6个SSLP基因座的等位基因频率、多态信息含量等。结果显示,最高等位基因频率的范围在0.3750-0.5385,最低为0.0250,说明这个群体为多态群体(群体具有遗传多样性)。多态信息含量(PIC值)的范围在0.4620-0.7069,说明基因座为高度多态基因座。黑龙江乌苏里白鲑群体的杂合度范围在0.5586-0.7282,表明其遗传多样性程度处于中等偏上水平。从遗传多样性角度应引起重视,采取切实可行的措施对其遗传多样性加以保护。结合资源量下降的现实,建议在保护遗传多样性的前提下对其采取人工繁殖放流的方法扩大其种群数量。
Coregonus usssruensis Berg habituated in Heilongjiang River is an endemically economic fish. It has high value due to its higher fat content and fresher flesh. Recently,it has been listed in Red-Cover Book of Endangered Fishes because a small number of populations existed in nature. So, it is very urgent for re-searchers to protect this species with effective methods as soon as possible. However,the first thing should be done is to learn about genetic diversity of its nature population, and then,take some measures to restore its population. Now, molecular markers are very useful tools in estimation of germplasm resources, variety i-dentification and preparation of genetic linkage map. We consulted nucleotide web sites and searched for 50 microsatellites derived from Oncorhynchus mykiss,and designed primers (Primer 3.0) by their flanking se-quences, then applied to analyze the genetic diversity for Coregonus usssruensis by using PCR method. The PCR products were electrophoresed by 2% agarose gel,and the data like allelic frequency and heterozygosity were calculated and analyzed by statistic method. As a result, 12 markers were amplified polymorphisms on genomic DNA of Coregonus usssruensis ,6 markers of which were assessed for its genetic diversity. The re-sults showed that: (1) The highest allelic frequency ranges from 0.375 0 to 0.538 5; the lowest is 0.025 0, which demonstrates Coregonus usssruensis belongs to a polymorphic population to date. (2) The PIC value (polymorphism information content) changes between 0.4620 and 0.706 9,heterozygosity from 0.558 6 to 0.7282,which indicates Coregonus usssruensis has relatively high genetic diversity. Therefore,considering the reduction of its populations, our study aimed at drawing more attention of authorities concerned to protect its genetic diversity rapidly and effectively. According to our study, we suggest to enlarge the population of C. usssruensis naturally through artificially reproduced exiling to make sure the size of effective breeding population more than
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
<Keyword>Heilongjiang River
Coregonus usssruensis Berg
genetic diversity