秘鲁货船马里亚老士号因拐运华工在日本横滨被扣并引起一场国际诉讼 ,日本外务大臣副岛种臣亲自指挥 ,神奈川县长官大江卓自任审判长 ,终于将被拐华工全部解救出来 ,并通知清政府派人赴日将其接回中国 ;而包括李鸿章在内的清政府大员也相当重视此事 ,公文往来 ,讨论处理办法 ,积极回应 ,并派遣上海地方官员陈福勋赴日将被拐华工带回中国。陈福勋即成为近代中国第一个赴日办理交涉的外交使节 ,而该事件使刚刚起步的近代中日关系第一次产生良性互动 。
The Peruvian cargo ship The Maria Luz was detained in Yokohama for swindling and selling Chinese coolies, which caused an international lawsuit. Under the supervision of the Japanese Foreign Minister Soejimataneomi, Ooetaku, the Prefectural Governor of Kanagawa, acted as the chief justice and finally rescued all the Chinese coolies. The Chinese government was informed of this incident afterward and was asked to take them back; the top officials of Qing Dynasty including Li Hongzhang attached much importance to this incident, made immediate responses and discussed the problem with their Japanese couterparts via letters and sent the Shanghai local official Chen Fuxun to take the coolies back. Chen Fuxun was thus the first Chinese diplomatic envoy to go to Japan for negotiation. This was the first benign event in modern Sino-Japanese communication and hence was of great importance in history.
Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
the Maria Luz Event
Chinese coolies
history of Sino-Japanese relation