There are two speeies of seiarids injuring the eultivated mushrooms in Fujian of China,whiehare both new to seienee and deseribed in this paper.The type speeimens are deposited in the Inseet Colleetionsof Beijing Agricultural University.1.Bradysia dictyophorae Yang et Zhang,sp.nov.(Figs.1-5)It somewhat resembles Bradvsia tritiei(Coq uillett)in the shape of male genitalia,but ean be distin- guished from the latter by the size of body(2.6mm),antennae(Fig.1),fore tibial comb(Fig.3)and others asshowed in the text- figures.Holotype♂,allotype♀,Fuzhou,Fujian,1990-Ⅲ-19,coll.Yang Wenqin.Host:Dietyophora indusiala. 2.Bradysia auriculariae Yang et Zhang,sp.nov.(Figs 6- 9)The general strueture of this new speeies is similar to Bradysia spatitergum(Hardy),but differs from thelatter in the antennae with the flagellomere 4(Fig.6)only 1.7 times longer than wide,the male genitalia(Fig.9)with very short genital rod,and the tergumⅨalmost ladder-shaped.Holotype♂,paratypes 3♂♂,Fuzhou,Fujian,1988-Ⅱ-11,coll.Yang Wenqin.Host:Auricularia potytricha.
Entomological Journal of East China